STADLER VÖLKEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Philipp LeyPhilipp Ley

Mag. Philipp Ley


Philipp Ley is an associate at Stadler Völkel Attorneys at Law. His areas of expertise include banking and capital markets law, financing and legal advice in all areas of application of blockchain technology. Philipp Ley completed his law studies at the University of Vienna. During his studies he already worked as a research assistant at STADLER VÖLKEL. Philipp Ley passed the bar exam in February 2022 with very good results.

Areas of Practice


German English

Education & Professional Experience

Bar exam with very good results (02/2022) University of Vienna, Law Faculty (2013-2018)

Research Assistant at a Vienna notary public office Judicial Law Clerk, Vienna (2018-2019) Research Assistant at Stadler Völkel Attorneys at Law (2017-2018)


Ley in Piska/Völkel, Handbuch Blockchain rules (2024), 12. Kapitel: "Geschäftsmodelle im Anwendungsbereich des AIFMG", Manz Verlag Wien.
Ley in Bichler, Praxishandbuch Marketingrecht (2024), Kapitel 2: Grundlagen des Zivilrechts.
Ley/Bichler, Novellierung der Definition unbarer Zahlungsmittel und die Auswirkungen auf virtuelle Währungen, Journal für Strafrecht 2022, 365.
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